Sunday, August 13, 2006

The General Theory of Dis Mantling

From: Mr. Titan - view profile
Date: Sun, Aug 13 2006 12:20 am
Email: "Mr. Titan"

RMJon23 wrote:
> Rob wrote:
> > Watch I [heart] Huckabees. It's mentioned in there.

> >

> Man, I LOVED that movie, while hardly anyone else did...and it wasn't
> just 'cuz of Isabelle Huppert, although she had a lot to do with my
> enjoyment, admittedly. Huckabees seems tailor-made for fans of Robert
> Anton Wilson.

> No wonder few seemed to "get it."

I [heart] Huckabees and the General Theory of Dis Mantling have a lot
in common I have discovered from my latest research. Towards a General
Theory of Dis Mantling is the sub title of Dr. Hyatt's Radical Undoing
Volume One. Undoing is Dr. Hyatt's term for Dis Mantling and he has
some very detailed techniques. I came across it when some guys were
talking about Martial Arts and body control. They were in agreement
that this was some good stuff after having experimented with various
physical arts from the east.

I recall that strange sensory deprivation orgone accumulator bag in the
movie. After reading some of the material that comes with the Vol. One
set I can say that the one thing that both Caterine Vauban and Dr.
Hyatt have is in the creation of what Hyatt calls FREE SPACE-TIME

Bernard and Vivian introduce Albert to Tommy Corn (Wahlberg), an
obsessively anti-petroleum firefighter. Tommy is assigned to Albert as
his "other", a kindred spirit. Tommy ends up abandoning and undermining
the Jaffes by introducing Albert to Caterine Vauban (Huppert), a former
student of the Jaffes who espouses a seemingly opposing
nihilistic/absurdist philosophy.

She teaches them to disconnect their inner beings from their daily
lives and their problems, to synthesize a non-thinking state of "pure
being". Being lifted from their troubles, they wish to keep that
feeling forever, yet she tells them that it is inevitable to be drawn
back to the human drama, and to understand that the core truth of that
drama is misery and meaninglessness. In Brad's further attempts to
undercut Albert, he and Dawn also meet and are influenced by Bernard
and Vivian.

I can't sum it up any better than Dr. Hyatt himself on Page 18 and 19
of The Complete Course for Undoing Yourself.

" As primitives we simply couldn't rely on the slow speed of cognition
in high tension situations, and thus our lower brain has not changed or
adapted to our so-called civilized environments or to the illusions of
our individuality. For that matter, in my view, the lower centers
probably will never evolve on this planet....and in fact will become
more active as we begin to speed up our elimination of competing
What may take place on this planet is that our cognitive centers may
expand and grow.

The purpose of my work is to create this expansion by Undoing some
problematic brain connections and creating new ones...if you are able
to force yourself past your own discomfort to do the necessary work.
But why are some humanimals forcing themselves to become more? Pain?
Yes, that is the answer, pain. Not some high end virtue, but simple
humanimal pain--

Pain is the great motivator for "good or evil"....and it is about
time to learn how to use pain for our conscious best interest. What it
means is exchanging gene pool survival for the ultimate selfish gene.
Becoming a real individual is what I mean but creating Free
Space-Time--a real Self, something similar to what Grudjieff and others
have "soul" or "will."

Even Jung, the modern creator of the notion of the collective
unconscious, was completely aware that individuality, in its true sense
was not not given, but something that required immense effort. In fact,
he often thought of the ego as an archetype--a collective given--and
his idea of the Self was also archetypal.

The Secret of all Undoing work is--to create FREE SPACE-TIME--a place
where the self can dwell--a place where you can really choose--a place
of self-respect and integrity--a place in consciousness.
It is important not to be fooled by the words "consciousness" and
"super-consciousness" as neither come as a guaranteed gift; nor is
consciousness in one person equal to that of another--some people are
simple born with more of the "stuff."

Interestingly, some even consider consciousness a disease: an in
between land-in-between the simple beast and the possible God. Most of
what we call consciousness is simply self-consciousness--which is the
internalization of the Other. So instead of consciousness, (which is a
band of Free Space-Time), we have consciousness of the Other, both
within and without.

Self-consciousness is not unique to the humanimal. Other animals are
self-conscious: they recognize themselves as separate, but in
relationship to the Other. If you notice a dog in relation to you, the
awareness of the dog's self consciousness is immediately apparent.

For the humanimal, self-consciousness is co-extensive with tension,
and the type of tension which first comes to mind is anxiety. Through
the exercises we begin to transform the tension based
self-consciousness into clean, clear, blank, consciousness--which is
Free Space-Time."

This has been a very energetic trail for me...I hope you enjoy it too!


Chris Titian


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