Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Back in School?

Are you back to school?

Do you want more time to party and socialize?

Do you want this so bad you can't even remember why you are going to school in the first place?

I have a suggestion for you.

I know a system that will not only organize your time but put you on a track that will yield all the money from your education that you ultimately desire.

You have to apply yourself to this system, but it is simple and only takes fifteen minuets a day.

When you first look at this system it is hard to grasp its real value. You sort of have to take it on reputation, and it has a really good one.

Once you get started you are asked to clearly visualize your goals...

The key is to be honest. Sure your long term goal is to graduate but your real goal is to get the girl in your math class to go out with you...and who knows she may be the love of your life. Don't lose her because you did not graduate because you were chasing her...can you get my drift? How do we do both? Not luck...you are not that lucky.

You will have to have efficient systems in place to take care of when you study and why...so you will accomplish the most from your time.

How do you develop killer systems that will make your educational goals come so quickly that you will have time to go to all the parties that you want. If you are really industrious you can pick up entrepreneurial systems that you don't have to spend much time on that will bring in extra income. Increase your time, increase your money and watch your energy increase...you will be a power house.

This is all called Power...Money Power, Time Power, and Energy Power

How do you develop systems that increase your power?

It is simple.

1. Click this link I have made for you and Follow Mark Joyner's instructions...and when he offers you the Simpleology 102 package get it immediately. Do not question this for a second or you will never do it and this moment will be lost forever. Commit yourself to spending 15 mins a day...and back it up by signing up for 102 right off the bat. Trust me, you will take it all a lot more serious if you join 102 and then have to work through Simpleology 101.


2. Do your first day lesson, including printing out the worksheets and putting them in a good binder. This binder is going to make time for you that you can only vividly desire at this time.

3. Join the Simpleology Community Discussions. We will discuss tactics and tips for making more time, energy and money so that you can maximize these very important years of your life.


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